After all, we see online - all the words, photo, chart, make-up, etc. - Someone planned to look like that to us. So why learn to plan? Here is a list of some reasons.
1. It Assures You a Job
We live in an age of technology, and technological advancement is nowhere near stagnant. As the use of technology devices grows every year, there will always be a great need for the system. The Bureau of Labor Statistics said that over the next decade, computer programming jobs would be more widely available to those outside the United States. This is because companies are considering hiring people around the world because they will pay them lower wages.
However, projects such as software development, web development, computer analysts, and others reflect a positive work ethic over the next decade. Their average growth is from 9% to 21% in software development activities.
2. No need for a Four Year Degree
While one of the ways to be a program is to get a degree in computer science, you can still be one without a degree. Most programming tasks do not require computer science or IT qualifications; instead, they are interested in your coding skills. This means that although qualifications can be useful and open to many doors, it is not something you have to do.
However, there are other options besides the degree, which can help you get a job. For example, if you could get a software upgrade or a diploma in cybersecurity, it would certainly look good in the eyes of the hiring manager. The same goes for the certificate too; if your CV has the right certification programs in place, such as network security management for example, that and your skills will leave a good impression.
3. You Start Working at Home
Since work requires only a computer with an Internet connection, employees often have the opportunity to work remotely. That being said, that depends on company policy, but many offer such an option. Plus, if you work as a freelancer, your work will always be done remotely.
This benefit makes the program a much-needed activity for people who want to balance their work and family life and feel like traveling by wasting their precious time they could have used it differently. It also allows them to apply for jobs across the country without the need to relocate and worry about office space.
4. You Can Create Anything You Want
Computer programs, like all other work, give you the opportunity to put your ideas digitally. This idea can include the app you want to run and think it will be a virus once you enter the market. However, creating an app is not an easy task as it requires effort, time, and money. While in some cases, you could pay an engineer to implement your plans and ideas, since being a programmer yourself, you can save your money and make the app the way you want it to. Especially since, let's be honest, no one can use your exact idea of what you want it to be.
5. Higher Income
Money can be a catalyst for a lot of work and a planning fee is no different. Most of the jobs you can get with planning skills tend to cost more than you normally would. While the salary for a program depends on the nature and type of work, the average salary for a computer programmer is $ 84,280, and the average salary for a software developer is $ 103,620.
6. You Understand How Software Works
When we use a computer, we interact with it using a mouse and keyboard, but we do not stop and think about the operating system in the background. Editing will familiarize you with software, programs, devices, and websites and will help you understand them. As a result, you will be able to capture and use new technological tools as quickly as possible.
7. Teaches Perseverance
Learning a computer program teaches you to see problems in the light of solutions. For all the problems you face, you begin to think of ways to solve them. The fruitful results that come from thinking and solving problems will give you a good idea, and will encourage you to act according to the problem no matter how difficult it may be. You are determined to find a way to find a solution, and in this way you become a person driven by a solution.
8. Learns to Combine Technical and Creativity Skills
Not all industries will give you the opportunity to use your technical and creative skills as programs will. This may be due to the nature of the activity. It focuses on identifying problems and solving them. However, there will not always be the same problems that need to be solved, which is why you will always find solutions when you find new solutions. This makes planning a very difficult and exciting task.
9. Develops Problem-Solving Skills
In the world of programming, it is often said that coding is about solving problems, and computer programs should solve problems. Learning programs have fewer or fewer codes and determine how to address issues that arise during coding and to find solutions to them. When you find solutions to these problems, it becomes more and more helpful. You can also start using this mindset to solve problems in various aspects of your professional life and not just when entering codes.
10. Open Your Business
Self-employment is the approach that many developers end up choosing. Knowing how to write code lets you look at opening your own business. This could be an online store, with your website building company, mobile app builder, offering online coding courses and tutorials, and much more. The possibilities are endless. What makes it even better is that the demand for these types of businesses is also high.